Results for 'Gabor A. Telegdy'

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  1.  23
    Cue utilization as a function of monetary incentive and learning efficiency.Jerome S. Cohen, Gabor A. Telegdy, Jean Paul Laroche & Yaakov Getz - 1973 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 1 (6):452-454.
  2.  25
    History of science in Hungary: Stewardship and audience in periods of institutional and political change.Gábor Á Zemplén - 2021 - Centaurus 63 (3):585-602.
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    Theory-Containment in Controversies: Neurath and Müller on Newton, Goethe, and Underdetermination.Gábor Á Zemplén - 2018 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 49 (4):533-549.
    Olaf Müller’s book develops a new case for underdetermination, and, as he is focusing on theories of a ‘limited domain’, this assumes the containability of the theories. First, the paper argues that Müller’s theory of darkness is fundamentally Newtonian, but for Newton’s optical theory the type of theoretical structure Müller adopts is problematic. Second, the paper discusses seventeenth-century challenges to Newton, changes in the proof-structure of Newton’s optical theory, and how these affect Müller’s reconstruction. Müller’s book provides empirically equivalent theories, (...)
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    Newton's colour circle and Palmer's “normal” colour space.Gábor A. Zemplén - 2004 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 27 (1):166-168.
    Taking the real Newtonian colour circle – and not the one Palmer depicts as Newton's – we don't have to wait 300 years for Palmer to say no to the Lockean aperçu about the inverted spectrum. One of the aims of this historical detour is to show that one's commitment about the “topology” of the colour space greatly affects Palmer's argument.
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  5. Being Charitable to Scientific Controversies.Gábor Á Zemplén & Tamás Demeter - 2010 - The Monist 93 (4):640-656.
    Current philosophical reflections on science have departed from mainstream history of science with respect to both methodology and conclusions. The article investigates how different approaches to reconstructing commitments can explain these differences and facilitate a mutual understanding and communication of these two perspectives on science. Translating the differences into problems pertaining to principles of charity, the paper offers a platform for clarification and resolution of the differences between the two perspectives. The outlined contextual approach occupies a middle ground between mainstream (...)
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  6.  29
    Putting Sociology First—Reconsidering the Role of the Social in ‘Nature of Science’ Education.Gábor Á Zemplén - 2009 - Science & Education 18 (5):525-559.
  7.  25
    Throwing new light on Kepler’s contribution to optics: A. Mark Smith: From sight to light. The passage from ancient to modern optics. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 2017, xi + 457 pp, US$36.00 PB.Gábor Á Zemplén - 2020 - Metascience 29 (2):237-240.
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    The development of the Neurath principle: unearthing the Romantic link.Gábor Á Zemplén - 2006 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 37 (4):585-609.
    Otto Neurath’s thoroughgoing anti-foundationalism is connected to the recognition that protocol sentences are not inviolable, that is they are fallible and their choice cannot be determined: ‘Poincaré, Duhem and others have adequately shown that even if we have agreed on the protocol statements, there is a not limited number of equally applicable, possible systems of hypotheses. We have extended this tenet of the uncertainty of systems of hypotheses to all statements, including protocol statements that are alterable in principle’. Later historiography (...)
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    Controversies on, in, Around, and About the Subject: Barrotta P. & Dascal M. : Controversies and Subjectivity. Italian Culture Institute in London, University of Pisa/tel Aviv University Controversies 1, 2005. x, 411 pp. ISBN 978 90 272 1881 0/eur 125.00, ISBN 978 1 58811 615 4/usd 169.00.Gabor A. Zemplen - 2009 - Argumentation 23 (1):115-121.
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  10.  14
    Autobiography and Natural Science in the Age of Romanticism: Rousseau, Goethe, Thoreau - by Kuhn Bernhard.Gábor Á Zemplén - 2011 - Centaurus 53 (1):63-65.
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    The Shape of Biology to Come?Dániel Bárdos & Gábor Á Zemplén - 2017 - Tradition and Discovery 43 (1):32-50.
    The essay discusses congruency issues in the biosemiotic approach of the Danish biochemist, Jesper Hoffmeyer. The authors understand Hoffmeyer’s anti-reductionistic approach to be similar to Michael Polanyi’s multi-layered ontology, but suggest that the Polanyian approach has fewer handicaps as a model-building enterprise. We offer a historical review of Hoffmeyer’s polarized narrative of 20th century biology and investigate his central thesis that life and semiosis are coextensive. We argue that Hoffmeyer conflates temporal and spatial features of semiotic systems, his account of (...)
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  12.  33
    A History of Optics from Greek Antiquity to the Nineteenth Century. [REVIEW]Gábor Á Zemplén - 2013 - International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 27 (4):450-453.
  13.  70
    Experts in Dialogue: An Introduction. [REVIEW]Gábor Kutrovátz & Gábor Á Zemplén - 2011 - Argumentation 25 (3):275-283.
    Different approaches to expertise and argumentation are discussed. After introducing the problem of expertise and its present day significance in a historical context, various connections with the study of arguments are highlighted. The need for and potential of argumentation analysis to contribute to existing research in social epistemology, science studies, and cognitive science, is discussed, touching on the problems of reasoning and argumentation, embodiment, tacit knowledge, expert context versus public context, expert disagreement, persuasion versus justification, and argument analysis as meta-expertise. (...)
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  14. Imre Lakatos' Hungarian dissertation. A documentation arranged by Gábor Kutrovátz.Gábor Kutrovátz - 2002 - In G. Kampis, L: Kvasz & M. Stöltzner (eds.), Appraising Lakatos: Mathematics, Methodology and the Man. Kluwer Academic Publishers. pp. 353--374.
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  15.  75
    A simple solution of the uniform halting problem.Gabor T. Herman - 1969 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 34 (4):639-640.
    The uniform halting problem (UH) can be stated as follows.Give a decision procedure which for any given Turing machine (TM) will decide whether or not it has an immortal instantaneous description (ID).An ID is called immortal if it has no terminal successor. As it is generally the case in the literature (see e.g. Minsky [3, p. 118]) we assume that in an ID the tape must be blank except for some finite numbers of squares. If we remove this restriction the (...)
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  16.  22
    A Set-Theoretic Analysis of the Black Hole Entropy Puzzle.Gábor Etesi - 2023 - Foundations of Physics 54 (1):1-28.
    Motivated by the known mathematical and physical problems arising from the current mathematical formalization of the physical spatio-temporal continuum, as a substantial technical clarification of our earlier attempt (Etesi in Found Sci 25:327–340, 2020), the aim in this paper is twofold. Firstly, by interpreting Chaitin’s variant of Gödel’s first incompleteness theorem as an inherent uncertainty or fuzziness present in the set of real numbers, a set-theoretic entropy is assigned to it using the Kullback–Leibler relative entropy of a pair of Riemannian (...)
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  17.  33
    A note on algebras of substitutions.Gábor Sági - 2002 - Studia Logica 72 (2):265-284.
    We will study the class RSA of -dimensional representable substitution algebras. RSA is a sub-reduct of the class of representable cylindric: algebras, and it was an open problem in Andréka [1] that whether RSA can be finitely axiomatized. We will show, that the answer is positive. More concretely, we will prove, that RSA is a finitely axiomatizable quasi-variety. The generated variety is also described. We note that RSA is the algebraic counterpart of a certain proportional multimodal logic and it is (...)
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  18.  11
    Forecasting Stock Prices of Companies Producing Solar Panels Using Machine Learning Methods.Zaffar A. Shaikh, Andrey Kraikin, Alexey Mikhaylov & Gabor Pinter - 2022 - Complexity 2022:1-9.
    Solar energy has become an integral part of the economy of developed countries, so it is important to monitor the pace of its development, prospects, as well as the largest companies that produce solar panels since the supply of solar energy in a particular country directly depends on them. The study analyzes the shares of Canadian Solar Inc. and First Solar Inc. The purpose of the study is to study the possibility of forecasting the stock price of solar energy companies (...)
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  19.  3
    Selected Effects and Comparative Propensities.Zachary Gabor - 2022 - Australasian Philosophical Review 6 (4):418-423.
    Several other commentators capably articulate and defend an important objection to Christie, Brusse, et al.: the claim that the existence of a trait is entirely, rather than partially explained by the effects for which it was selected is stronger than the selected effects theorist needs or seeks to defend. Nonetheless, Christie, Brusse, et al.’s cases do draw our attention to a point about the explanatory relation between selected effects functions and their bearers that has not been emphasized by selected effects (...)
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  20.  31
    Can War Be Just? A Case Analysis Attempt on the Russia–Ukraine War Sine Ira Et Studio.Gábor Dániel Nagy - 2023 - Open Journal of Philosophy 13 (2):407-417.
    The current confrontation between Russia and Ukraine raises essential problems regarding ethics and laws of war. It also presents an opportunity to compose an ethics case study to analyze the idea of a just war. The present-day war of Russia’s aggression toward Ukraine can hardly be analyzed ethically. We lean back to the seminal ideas of just war theorists to argue that war must be waged in a manner that is consistent with moral and ethical principles, such as proportionality, discrimination, (...)
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  21. A completeness theorem for higher order logics.Gabor Sagi - 2000 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 65 (2):857-884.
    Here we investigate the classes RCA $^\uparrow_\alpha$ of representable directed cylindric algebras of dimension α introduced by Nemeti[12]. RCA $^\uparrow_\alpha$ can be seen in two different ways: first, as an algebraic counterpart of higher order logics and second, as a cylindric algebraic analogue of Quasi-Projective Relation Algebras. We will give a new, "purely cylindric algebraic" proof for the following theorems of Nemeti: (i) RCA $^\uparrow_\alpha$ is a finitely axiomatizable variety whenever α ≥ 3 is finite and (ii) one can obtain (...)
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  22.  12
    A cognitive approach to the methodology of semantic reconstruction: The case of Eng. chin and knee.Gabor Gyori & Iren Hegedus - 2011 - In Kathryn Allan & Justyna A. Robinson (eds.), Current Methods in Historical Semantics. De Gruyter Mouton. pp. 73--313.
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  23. A Defense of Internal Realism: Reference, Truth and Conceptual Schemes.Gabor Forrai - 1993 - Dissertation, University of Notre Dame
    The purpose of the dissertation is to defend and elaborate on internal realism, a doctrine first put forward by Hilary Putnam. Chapter 1 surveys the current philosophical conceptions of truth and reference, a necessary background for the ensuing discussion. Chapter 2 explains the metaphysical realism vs. internal realism controversy. Internal realism is construed as consisting of three theses: the ontological mind-dependence of the world, verificationism about truth , and conceptual relativism . Chapter 3 offers an internal realist account of reference. (...)
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  24. When should a philosopher consult divination? : Epictetus amd Simplicius on fate and what is up to us.Gary Gabor - 2014 - In Pieter D' Hoine, Gerd van Riel & Carlos G. Steel (eds.), Fate, providence and moral responsibility in ancient, medieval and early modern thought: studies in honour of Carlos Steel. Leuven: Leuven University Press.
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    Where the pasts and futures of science and technology studies meet: U. Felt, R. Fouché, C. A. Miller and L. Smith-Doerr The handbook of science and technology studies, fourth edition. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press, 1208pp, US$ 75 HB.Gábor István Bíró - 2017 - Metascience 27 (1):169-172.
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  26.  35
    Deindustrialization, social disintegration, and health: a neoclassical sociological approach.Gábor Scheiring & Lawrence King - 2023 - Theory and Society 52 (1):145-178.
    Deindustrialization is a major burden on workers’ health in many countries, calling for theoretically informed sociological analysis. Here, we present a novel neoclassical sociological synthesis of the lived experience of deindustrialization. We conceptualize industry as a social institution whose disintegration has widespread implications for the social fabric. Combining Durkheimian and Marxian categories, we show that deindustrialization generates ruptures in economic production, which entail job and income loss, increased exploitation, social inequality, and the disruption of services. These ruptures spill over to (...)
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  27.  1
    Landscape as a presence.Gabor Csepregi - 2024 - Lebenswelt: Aesthetics and Philosophy of Experience 23.
    Following the observations of Antal Szerb on the Italian countryside, this article presents, in succession, the divers aspects of a landscape that a beholder experiences as a presence. A landscape affects the body of the beholder and the adopted bodily posture has some bearing on the physical and atmospheric manifestation of a landscape. Both the material characteristics and the expressive, animated qualities of the landscape are unpredictable and subject to continual modification. The atmosphere of a landscape consists of a specific (...)
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  28.  17
    A short proof for the completeness of paramodulacion.Gábor Sági - 2010 - Bulletin of the Section of Logic 39 (3/4):147-152.
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    A numbers game: An interpretation of lysias 17.Gábor Bolonyai - 2008 - Classical Quarterly 58 (2):491-.
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    Internal Realism, Metaphysical Realism, and Brains in a Vat.Gábor Formi - 1996 - Dialectica 50 (4):259-274.
    The paper explores the relationship between skepticism on the one hand and the metaphysical realist and the internal realist conceptions of truth on the other. After a brief description of the metaphysical realist and the internal realist positions, it is argued that the former but not the latter is committed to an important sort of skepticism, namely, that we might be wrong about practically everything at the same time. First an abstract argument is presented to this effect, then the issue (...)
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  31.  19
    On a Possibly Pure Set-Theoretic Contribution to Black Hole Entropy.Gábor Etesi - 2020 - Foundations of Science 25 (2):327-340.
    Continuity as appears to us immediately by intuition differs from its current formalization, the arithmetical continuum or equivalently the set of real numbers used in modern mathematical analysis. Motivated by the known mathematical and physical problems arising from this formalization of the continuum, our aim in this paper is twofold. Firstly, by interpreting Chaitin’s variant of Gödel’s first incompleteness theorem as an inherent uncertainty or fuzziness of the arithmetical continuum, a formal set-theoretic entropy is assigned to the arithmetical continuum. Secondly, (...)
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  32.  31
    Attitudes of Play.Gabor Csepregi - 2022 - McGill-Queen's University Press.
    Play is not only a kind of activity, but also a set of attitudes. We may join a card game in a casino without assuming a play attitude; conversely we may transform a seemingly tedious action, such as a walk to the store, into a pleasant experience of spontaneous movements by adopting an attitude of play. Attitudes of Play is a comprehensive study of the persistent human tendency to bring a cheerful and good-humoured outlook to any kind of situation, including (...)
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  33.  27
    Mismatch negativity and neural adaptation: Two sides of the same coin. Response: Commentary: Visual mismatch negativity: a predictive coding view.Gábor Stefanics, Jan Kremláček & István Czigler - 2016 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 10.
  34.  50
    The unsolvability of the uniform halting problem for two state Turing machines.Gabor T. Herman - 1969 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 34 (2):161-165.
    The uniform halting problem (UH) can be stated as follows:Give a decision procedure which for any given Turing machine (TM) will decide whether or not it has an immortal instantaneous description (ID).An ID is called immortal if it has no terminal successor. As it is generally the case in the literature (see e.g. Minsky [4, p. 118]) we assume that in an ID the tape must be blank except for some finite number of squares. If we remove this restriction the (...)
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    Trust in Experts: Contextual Patterns of Warranted Epistemic Dependence.Gábor Kutrovátz - 2010 - Balkan Journal of Philosophy 2 (1):57-68.
    Recent work in social and cultural studies of science and technology has shown that the ‘epistemic dependence’ of laypeople on experts is not a relation of blind trust, but typically and necessarily involves critical assessment of expert testimonies. Normative epistemologists have suggested a number of criteria, mostly of contextual nature since expert knowledge means restricted cognitive access to some epistemic domain, according to which non-experts can reliably evaluate expert claims; while science studies scholars have concentrated on how laypeople can come (...)
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  36.  17
    Kuhn, Scheler and the Revolutionary Genesis of Modern Science. A hermeneutical approach to the question of an existential significance of the scientific attitude.Gabor Toronyai - 1999 - Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science 206:59-74.
  37.  48
    Tycho Brahe and the Separation of Astronomy from Astrology: The Making of a New Scientific Discourse.Gábor Almási - 2013 - Science in Context 26 (1):3-30.
    ArgumentThe subject of the paper is the shift from an astrology-oriented astronomy towards an allegedly more objective, mathematically grounded approach to astronomy. This shift is illustrated through a close reading of Tycho Brahe's scientific development and the contemporaneous changes in his communicational strategies. Basing the argument on a substantial array of original sources it is claimed that the Danish astronomer developed a new astronomical discourse in pursuit of credibility, giving priority to observational astronomy and natural philosophical questions. The abandonment of (...)
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  38.  9
    Az elveszíthető múlt: a tapasztalat mint emlékezet és történelem.Gábor Gyáni - 2010 - Budapest: Nyitott Könyvműhely.
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    The Derveni Papyrus: Cosmology, Theology and Interpretation.Gábor Betegh - 2004 - Cambridge University Press.
    This is a comprehensive study of the Derveni Papyrus. The papyrus, found in 1962 near Thessaloniki, is not only one of the oldest surviving Greek papyri but is also considered by scholars as a document of primary importance for a better understanding of the religious and philosophical developments in the fifth and fourth centuries BC. Gábor Betegh aims to reconstruct and systematically analyse the different strata of the text and their interrelation by exploring the archaeological context; the interpretation of rituals (...)
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  40.  28
    From the theater to the hippodrome: A critique of Jeffrey Green’s theory of plebiscitary democracy and an alternative.Gábor Illés & András Körösényi - 2022 - Contemporary Political Theory 21 (3):419-442.
    The article argues that the theory of plebiscitary leader democracy, originally developed by Max Weber, is in its somewhat rejuvenated version a helpful framework in interpreting longer-term and more recent empirical trends in contemporary democracies, such as the growing personalization of politics, the emergence of populist leaders, rising levels of polarization, and the growing importance of social media. However, to realize the potential of the theory, it should be detached from Jeffrey Green’s most original, yet insufficiently realistic elaboration of plebiscitary (...)
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  41. Jean-Pierre Llored : The philosophy of chemistry: practices, methodologies, and concepts: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK, 2013. xx + 764 pp., $113 , ISBN: 978-1443846059.Gábor Palló - 2014 - Foundations of Chemistry 17 (1):87-89.
    Chemists do not interpret the world in various ways; their point is to change it. This variation on Karl Marx’ Feuerbach thesis came to my mind while reading the new Philosophy of Chemistry volume.The 11th thesis originally sounds like this: “Philosophers have hitherto only interpreted the world in various ways; the point is to change it”. The thick book contains more than forty studies related to the relatively new field. In this short review, it would be too much even to (...)
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  42. Les machines à prévoir.D. Gabor - 1962 - Scientia 56 (97):du Supplém. 51.
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    Plato’s Error and a Mean Field Formula for Convex Mosaics.Gábor Domokos & Zsolt Lángi - 2022 - Axiomathes 32 (5):889-905.
    Plato claimed that the regular solids are the building blocks of all matter. His views, commonly referred to as the geometric atomistic model, had enormous impact on human thought despite the fact that four of the five Platonic solids can not fill space without gaps. In this paper we quantify these gaps, showing that the errors in Plato’s estimates were quite small. We also develop a mean field approximation to convex honeycombs using a generalized version of Plato’s idea. This approximation (...)
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  44.  52
    Machiavelli's scientific method: a common understanding of his novelty in the sixteenth century.Gábor Almási - 2018 - History of European Ideas 44 (8):1019-1045.
    ABSTRACTThis paper argues that Machiavelli's method, his inductive and comparative use of history and experience for political analysis, and his fashioning of historical-political analysis as ‘science’, played an important and still unrecognised role in his reception in the sixteenth century. It makes the case that Machiavelli's inductive reasoning and stress on historia and experientia offered a model for scientific method that open-minded sixteenth-century scholars, eager to understand, organise and augment human knowledge, could fit to their own epistemology. By focusing on (...)
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  45.  62
    From the method of proofs and refutations to the methodology of scientific research programmes.Gábor Forrai - 1993 - International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 7 (2):161-175.
    Abstract The paper is an attempt to interpret Imre Lakatos's methodology of scientific research programmes (MSRP) on the basis of his mathematical methodology, the method of proofs and refutations (MPR). After sketching MSRP and MPR and analysing their relationship to Popper's and Poly a's work, I argue that MSRP was originally conceived as a methodology in the same sense as MPR. The most conspicuous difference between the two, namely that MSRP is fundamentally backward?looking, whereas MPR is primarily forward?looking, is due (...)
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  46.  14
    In Vivo: A Phenomenology of Life-Defining Moments.Gabor Csepregi - 2019 - Chicago: Mcgill-Queen's University Press.
    The course of human life, punctuated by unexpected and transformative moments, is never uniform. What are the characteristics of such life-defining moments, what responses do they evoke, and how do they transform the lives of those who experience them? In Vivo explores foundational questions and pivotal moments of the human experience – engagement with a foreign culture, the decision to break free from unfortunate experiences, a generous action undertaken in the context of an otherwise regular day – in terms of (...)
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    Multiple Analogy in Ps. Aristotle, De Mundo 6.Gábor Betegh & Pavel Gregoric - 2014 - Classical Quarterly 64 (2):8388.
    The short treatise known as Περὶ κόσμου is a learned piece of protreptic addressed to Alexander, ‘the best of princes’, usually identified with Alexander the Great. The treatise is traditionally attributed to Aristotle, and although it does espouse recognizably Aristotelian views, it contains various doctrinal and linguistic elements which have led the large majority of scholars to regard it as inauthentic. The dating of the treatise is a more controversial matter, though most scholars would put it somewhere in the Hellenistic (...)
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    Upward Morley's theorem downward.Gábor Sági & Zalán Gyenis - 2013 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 59 (4-5):303-331.
    By a celebrated theorem of Morley, a theory T is ℵ1‐categorical if and only if it is κ‐categorical for all uncountable κ. In this paper we are taking the first steps towards extending Morley's categoricity theorem “to the finite”. In more detail, we are presenting conditions, implying that certain finite subsets of certain ℵ1‐categorical T have at most one n‐element model for each natural number (counting up to isomorphism, of course).
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    Primordial Black Holes from Collapsing Antimatter.Gábor Etesi - 2022 - Foundations of Science 27 (4):1381-1400.
    In this paper a simple (i.e. free of fine-tuning, etc.) new mechanism for primordial black hole formation based on the collapse of large antimatter systems in the early Universe is introduced. A peculiarity of this process is that, compared to their material counterparts, the collapse of large antimatter systems takes much less time due to the reversed thermodynamics of antimatter, an idea which has been proposed in our earlier paper Etesi (2021). This model has several testable predictions. The first is (...)
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    Taming vagueness: the philosophy of network science.Gábor Elek & Eszter Babarczy - 2022 - Synthese 200 (2):1-31.
    In the last 20 years network science has become an independent scientific field. We argue that by building network models network scientists are able to tame the vagueness of propositions about complex systems and networks, that is, to make these propositions precise. This makes it possible to study important vague properties such as modularity, near-decomposability, scale-freeness or being a small world. Using an epistemic model of network science, we systematically analyse the specific nature of network models and the logic behind (...)
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